2000 State 2-A Boys Championships

Saturday, October 28, 2000
McAlpine Park, Charlotte

North Henderson's John Henderson leaves the competition
behind to win by 11 seconds in 16:14.

4-A Boys | 4-A Girls | 3-A Boys | 3-A Girls | 2-A Girls | 1-A Boys | 1-A Girls
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1. Surry Central 64
2. Lincolnton 84
3. North Henderson 134
4. Charlotte Catholic 137
5. Salisbury 145
6. Union Pines 157
7. Weddington 171
8. Forbush 234
9. Bunker Hill 247
10.Northwood 260
11.Southwestern Randolph 263
12.Croatan 282
13.Roanoke Rapids 285
14.West Iredell 323
15.Madison 394
 1 John Henderson    12  North Henderson   16:14.89
 2 Mark Hoffman      12  Lincolnton        16:24.52
 3 Elliott Mckenzie  12  Union Pines       16:24.85
 4 Joe Lindsay       12  Charlotte Catholi 16:34.14
 5 Daniel Trantham   11  Pisgah            16:41.36
 6 Matt Whitman      11  Ledford           16:43.29
 7 Jared Crain       12  Mountain Heritage 16:43.84
 8 Vincent Horn      12  Madison           16:45.99
 9 Cal Wilson        10  Weddington        16:49.04
10 Perrell Bess      11  Lincolnton        16:51.43
11 Chris Hiatt       11  Surry Central     16:55.24
12 Lamar Blake       11  Lincolnton        17:07.72
13 Chad Castevens    11  Surry Central     17:08.35
14 Martin Scobey     12  Charlotte Catholi 17:09.60
15 Jonathon Merritt   9  Surry Central     17:13.80
16 Pat Cutler            Swansboro         17:14.74
17 David Bost        12  Salisbury         17:17.65
18 John Haimes       12  High Point Centra 17:19.19
19 Justin Cummings   12  Surry Central     17:21.91
20 Nick Adams        11  Forbush           17:22
21 Aaron Grant       10  North Henderson   17:23.15
22 Justin Ogburn     12  Roanoke Rapids    17:23.51
23 Tyler Vanderslice 12  Salisbury         17:24.57
24 Joel Braxton          East Cartaret     17:26.75
25 Will Ricks        10  Roanoke Rapids    17:27.08
26 Eric Martinez     10  Surry Central     17:27.43
27 John Biggerstaff  10  Mountain Heritage 17:30.41
28 Clint Rogers      10  Union Pines       17:31.02
29 Patrick Casstevens 11 Surry Central     17:41.10
30 Jared Rice         9  Weddington        17:42.92
31 Michael Rupp      10  West Stanly       17:44.76
32 Nirav Patel       12  Salisbury         17:46.77
33 Javair Acosta      9  North Henderson   17:52.88
34 Garrett Comartos  11  South Stokes      17:55.22
35 Brandon Whitaker   9  Croatan           17:56.59
36 Cameron Clark         East Randolph     17:56.98
37 Paul Wyatt            South Granville   17:57.45
38 Adam Lindsay      10  Reidsville        17:57.69
39 Bart Cagle        11  Southwestern Rand 17:58.02
40 Nick Wartner      11  Bunker Hill       17:58.64
41 Daniel Byers      10  Brevard           17:59.86
42 David Jordan      10  Salisbury         18:01.14
43 Jared Webb         9  Lincolnton        18:01.47
44 Ben Short          9  Weddington        18:03.48
45 Eric Herman       10  Bunker Hill       18:03.91
46 Ayinde Waverly        Southern Vance    18:05.93
47 Joe Frye          10  Union Pines       18:06.92
48 Keith Chriscoe    11  Union Pines       18:07.64
49 Ben Vernon        11  Northwood         18:08.57
50 Jordan Link       11  Lincolnton        18:11.44
51 David Cross       11  Southwestern Rand 18:13.35
52 Jeremy Degan      12  Charlotte Catholi 18:13.80
53 John Bragg        11  Charlotte Catholi 18:16.41
54 Curtis Ellis      10  Forbush           18:17.46
55 Adam Harrelson    10  Forbush           18:18.06
56 Nick Barrier       9  North Henderson   18:18.54
57 Bryan Miller      11  Croatan           18:21.34
58 Justin Brubaker   10  Southwestern Rand 18:28.20
59 Chris Sunde       10  Charlotte Catholi 18:30.26
60 Douglas Marion     9  Statesville       18:31.18
61 Coite Gillon      11  West Iredell      18:33.76
62 Seth Phillips     10  Charlotte Catholi 18:34.78
63 Eugene Howard      9  Northwood         18:36.46
64 Carson Smith       9  Weddington        18:37.47
65 Heath Day         12  North Henderson   18:38.99
66 Davey Watson      12  West Iredell      18:43.60
67 Nolan Winters     11  West Iredell      18:47.45
68 Jay Mitigay       10  Northwood         18:48.17
69 Ezra Swan         12  Northwood         18:48.70
70 Cory Walker        9  Bunker Hill       18:49.41
71 Brandon Staton    11  Croatan           18:51.35
72 Adam Stanley       9  Surry Central     18:53.73
73 Zach Cashion       9  North Henderson   18:54.13
74 Ryan Genest       10  North Henderson   18:56.00
75 Barrett Honeycutt 12  Charlotte Catholi 18:57.77
76 Jacob Melton      11  Salisbury         19:01.48
77 Coley Sheehan     11  Weddington        19:02.37
78 Jason Huffman     11  Bunker Hill       19:02.72
79 Brian Wall        12  Forbush           19:02.95
80 Gary Stout        10  Weddington        19:03.40
81 Brian Grimsley    12  Union Pines       19:04.53
82 Cole Rustich       9  Croatan           19:05.72
83 Russell Papineau  10  Union Pines       19:07.68
84 Dennis Gilfillan   9  Bunker Hill       19:12.44
85 William Miller    12  Northwood         19:12.89
86 Stephen Moore      9  Lincolnton        19:13.56
87 Stevie Robinson   10  Salisbury         19:22.61
88 Chris Gilfillan   12  Bunker Hill       19:24.31
89 Trey Pendergrass  11  Forbush           19:25.08
90 Justin Gammons    11  Forbush           19:25.97
91 Brett Castelloe   12  Southwestern Rand 19:29.52
92 Tommy Spencer     12  West Iredell      19:30.21
93 Garrett Ray       10  Weddington        19:31.09
94 Tye Bray          11  Southwestern Rand 19:34.62
95 Adam Keisler      12  Bunker Hill       19:38.74
96 Ross Benton       10  Roanoke Rapids    19:39.44
97 Jeremy Shelton    10  Southwestern Rand 19:39.66
98 Matt Gaskins      10  Roanoke Rapids    19:40.74
99 Paul Hargrove     11  Lincolnton        19:43.07
100 Chad Merritt     12  Roanoke Rapids    19:48.55
101 Michael Manring  12  Northwood         19:57.10
102 Michael Mckenzie 11  Union Pines       19:58.80
103 Sean Allison     12  Madison           20:03.87
104 Amon Anderson    12  Northwood         20:09.54
105 Donald Kelly     10  Croatan           20:17.17
106 David Blackwell  12  Southwestern Rand 20:20.22
107 Steven Mack      12  Croatan           20:29.44
108 Josh Edgell      11  Forbush           20:31.76
109 Isaiah Simmons   10  Croatan           20:34.42
110 Adam Panell      12  Salisbury         20:45.60
111 Timmy Thomas     12  Roanoke Rapids    20:50.05
112 Casey Senn       12  West Iredell      20:51.55
113 Brad Whitson     12  Madison           20:53.29
114 Josh Campbell    11  West Iredell      20:56.70
115 Kyle Day         11  Roanoke Rapids    21:52.33
116 Kris Pecanty      9  Madison           22:17.21
117 Blake Ball        9  Madison           22:26.85
118 Heath Weathers   12  West Iredell      22:54.66
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