North Carolina 2-A State Championships

At McAlpine Creek Park, Charlotte, NC
Saturday, October 31, 1998

4-A | 3-A | 1-A | NCISAA

Girls Results

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Boys Team Results
 1. North Henderson        71 (Third straight state title)
 2. Salisbury              81
 3. Lincolnton            108
 4. Charlotte Catholic    139
 5. West Stanly           149
 6. Bunker Hill           158
 7. Northwood             193
 8. Eastern Alamance      206
 9. Union Pines           218
10. Brevard               235
11. Bandys                254
12. Southwestern Randolph 262
13. NC Sch of Sci & Math  277
14. East Davidson         336
It came down to a close finish between Mielke and Lutz

Boys Individual Results (Top 7 named all-state)

1. Shiloh Mielke       North Henderson  16:09.0 (2-time state champion) 
Photo of Mielke and Lutz earlier in the race
2. Brandon Lutz        Randleman        16:09.8
3. J.R. Bloxsom        SW Randolph      16:30.5
4. John Henderson      North Henderson  16:36.0
5. Adam Stewart        Bunker Hill      16:41.5
6. Richard Winston     North Henderson  16:52.7
7. Brent Mathews       Char Catholic    16:54.5
8. David Bost          Salisbury        16:59.4
9. Richard Silva       SW Onslow        17:02.6
10. Robbie Weast       North Henderson  17:13.7
11. Michael Whitley    West Stanly      17:22.3
12. Chad Horn          West Stanly      17:27.8
13. Tyler Vnderslice   Salisbury        17:29.9
14. Justin Ogburn      Roanoke Rapids   17:32.6
15. Stephen Barker     Shelby           17:33.4
16. Bradford Garriques Salisbury        17:34.0
17. Vincent Horn	Madison          17:37.9
18. Joey Harris        Mitchell         17:41.4
19. Elliott McKenzie   Union Pines      17:48.7
20. Mark Hoffman       Lincolnton       17:51.9
21. Justin Peele       Northwood        17:56.4
22. Sam Koeber         Brevard          17:59.5
23. Tom Ozbolt         Eastern Alamance 18:02.3
24. Perrell Bess       Lincolnton       18:03.0
25. David McGlothlin   Lenoir Hibriten  18:04.0
26. Drew Caldwell      North Rowan      18:05.1
27. Craig Pederson     Salisbury        18:05.9
28. Christopher Herndon Brevard         18:06.4
29. Justin Sink        East Davidson    18:07.4
30. Lamar Blake        Lincolnton       18:10.4
31. Chris Palmer       Eastern Alamance 18:12.9
32. Travis Von Staden  Lincolnton       18:13.7
33. Martin Scobey      Char Catholic    18:15.1
34. Thomas Longo       Char Catholic    18:15.5
35. Reeves Anderson    NCSSM            18:16.5
36. Michael Pastelak   Bandys           18:17.4
37. Tim Nixon          Surry Central    18:18.2
38. Dantonio Lunsford  Reidsville       18:19.0
39. Johnathon Kemp     Union Pines      18:19.7
40. Brian Zickefoose   Lincolnton       18:20.2
41. Brian Grimsley     Union Pines      18:20.6
42. Matt Dennison      Salisbury        18:21.2
43. Andrew Pierce      Statesville      18:21.8
44. Matt Green         Northwood        18:22.2
45. Chris Gilfallan    Bunker Hill      18:23.3
46. Aaron Jeffries     Northwood        18:24.7
47. Kendrick Gay       Farmville Cent.  18:26.7
48. Nathan Wells       West Stanly      18:27.4
49. Joe Lindsley       Char Catholic    18:28.0
50. Patrick Haymore    Surry Central    18:28.3

Girls Team Results

1. Swannanoa Owen      98 (First ever state title)
2. Swansboro          100
3. Charlotte Catholic 131
4. Surry Central      154
5. Northwood          157
6. Ledford            159
7. North Henderson    161
8. N.C. School of Science & Math 173
9. Randleman		94
10. Brevard		26
11. West Wilkes       243
12. North Wilkes      284
13. West Iredell      287
14. Statesville       338
15. Roanoke Rapids    343

North Henderson's Diana Henderson wins by 40 seconds

Girls Individual Results (Top 7 named all-state)

 1. Diana Henderson    North Henderson 18:56.6
 2. Heidi Sloop        West Wilkes     19:36.3
 3. Emily Poole        West Lincoln    20:28.1
 4. Andrea Medford     Pisgah          20:47.1
 5. Sabrina Caudle     Surry Central   20:57.3
 6. Nicole Whitman     Ledford         20:57.9
 7. Lindsay Lancaster  Brevard         21:07.7
 8. Caitlin Gill       Char Catholic   21:11.9
 9. Hope Day		Ledford         21:20.1
10. Carley  Matthews	Ledford         21:30.4
11. Melissa Adams	North Wilkes    21:40.9
12. Sally Rice		Randleman       21:43.4
13. Katy Grosse        Western Alamance 21:47.8
14. Mary-Ann Spake	Shelby          21:51.9
15. Ann-Marie Gardner	Owen            21:55.8
16. Stephanie Pearce	Northwood       21:59.0
17. Holly Jaynes	SW Randolph     22:01.4
18. Tiffany Grant	Swansboro       22:12.1
19. Stephanie Lewis	Swansboro       22:15.1
20. Catherine Holmes	Owen            22:16.8
21. Laura Biggerstaff	Mtn Heritage    22:18.4
22. Meghann Pulliam	Owen            22:21.6
23. Tiffany Futch	North Henderson 22:32.9
24. Jill Friebie	NCSSM           22:37.1
25. Dezi Kabouris	Char Catholic   22:43.8
26. Lori McGeary	Owen            22:45.2
27. Joy Patterson	North Rowan     22:45.5
28. Diane Etheridge	Currituck       22:47.5
29. Julia Brown        Forbush         22:50.8
30. Meredith Morton	Swansboro       22:51.7
31. Caymen Miles	North Wilkes    22:52.7
32. Ashica Thomas	Northwood       22:53.6
33. Charley McArthur	NCSSM           22:53.8
34. Teri Steinkopff	Swansboro       22:58.4
35. Rachel VanCleve	NCSSM           23:01.3
36. Rebekah Haithcock	Lenoir Hibriten 23:01.8
37. Paige Rumley	SW Randolph     23:07.8
38. Heather Coburn	Swansboro       23:09.5
39. Mary-Kate Menze	Char Catholic   23:11.9
40. Seleta Quman	Randleman       23:13.0
41. Eileen Hogan	Char Catholic   23:13.5
42. Sally Averette	Brevard         23:14.6
43. Carrie Neilson	North Henderson 23:14.9
44. Patty Puckett	Surry Central   23:15.6
45. Jenny Prevost	Union Pines     23:18.2
46. Sara Hardy		Northwood       23:22.7
47. Alayne Bowman	Surry Central   23:23.0
48. Tiphany Speck	Parkwood        23:23.4
49. Rachel Smith	Owen            23:26.1
50. Tonya Nichols	West Wilkes     23:32.7

abbreviations: NCSSM = North Carolina School of Science & Math

Char = Charlotte

Past State Champions

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