BOYS: 1. Winston-Salem Reynolds 64 2. North Forsyth 75 3. Winston-Salem Mount Tabor 80 4. West Forsyth 109 5. Southeast Guilford 118 6. Greensboro Page 137 7. Greensboro Grimsley 158 8. Eden Morehead 159 9. East Forsyth 249 10. Kannapolis A.L. Brown 311 11. South Stokes 314 12. Winston-Salem Parkland 330 13. South Rowan 358 14. North Davidson 382 No score: Winston-Salem Carver, Kernersville Glenn, Greensboro Smith. 1. Vince Howard Greensboro Page 16:43 2. Glen Mays Winston-Salem Reynolds 16:48 3. Lee Tuttle North Forsyth 16:53 4. Kyle Armentrout Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 17:08 5. Brant Armentrout Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 17:10 6. Jeff Smith Winston-Salem Reynolds 17:26 7. Mike Ashcraft Winston-Salem Reynolds 17:33 8. Chris Edwards Eden Morehead 17:40 9. Eric Burton Southeast Guilford 17:41 10. Jeff Piercey West Forsyth 17:42 11. Neal King North Forsyth 17:51 12. Anthony Abraham Winston-Salem Reynolds 17:53 13. Alan Myers North Forsyth 17:59 14. Curtis Swisher East Forsyth 18:00 15. Wade Rushing Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 18:01 16. Brian Kaiser Greensboro Grimsley 18:05 17. Fletcher Hunter Kernersville Glenn 18:09 18. Jerry Parker South Stokes 18:09 19. Tom Rucker Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 18:11 20. Renard Washington Southeast Guilford 18:12 21. Robert Van Hagen Greensboro Page 18:15 22. Riky Muse West Forsyth 18:19 23. David Etchison West Forsyth 18:20 24. Trenton Allman North Forsyth 18:20 25. Taylor Filer Southeast Guilford 18:21 26. Charles Hunt North Forsyth 18:21 27. John Pugh Southeast Guilford 18:27 28. Jim Lee West Forsyth 18:31 29. Chris Powell Eden Morehead 18:31 30. Tim Yarbrough West Forsyth 18:34 31. Scott Berrier Greensboro Page 18:36 32. Jon Crum Greensboro Grimsley 18:37 33. Drew Hardymon Eden Morehead 18:39 34. Lee Canipe Greensboro Grimsley 18:43 35. Pat Canupp West Forsyth 18:43 36. Brett Spivey Greensboro Page 18:47 37. James Bynum Greensboro Grimsley 18:52 38. Brad Schorer Winston-Salem Reynolds 18:54 39. Owen Lewis Greensboro Ben L Smith 18:57 40. Kenny McQuaid Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 18:59 41. Keith Dixon Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 19:01 42. Jeff Dyson Southeast Guilford 19:03 43. Mike Eastwood Eden Morehead 19:04 44. John Strassel Greensboro Grimsley 19:06 45. Mike Ziglar North Davidson 19:09 46. Jim Keith Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 19:11 47. Andrew Parker South Rowan 19:12 48. Marshall Mays Winston-Salem Reynolds 19:13 49. Scott Hagaman Kernersville Glenn 19:14 50. John Sink Winston-Salem Parkland 19:16 51. John Myatt Greensboro Grimsley 19:17 52. Mike Aquilano East Forsyth 19:21 53. Scott Rakestraw Eden Morehead 19:22 54. Brad Holmes Greensboro Page 19:28 55. Tony Powell Eden Morehead 19:31 56. Frankie Hunter Kannapolis A.L. Brown 19:33 57. Ranone Goode Kannapolis A.L. Brown 19:35 58. Carlton Dill East Forsyth 19:38 59. Jon McQueen Kannapolis A.L. Brown 19:38 60. Sean Wilson Winston-Salem Reynolds 19:48 61. Tony Weaver Greensboro Page 19:50 62. Craig Smith Southeast Guilford 19:50 63. Jim Knight Southeast Guilford 19:55 64. John Vannoy Winston-Salem Parkland 19:57 65. Keith Mathis East Forsyth 19:58 66. Lee Buffaloe Greensboro Grimsley 19:59 67. Joel Kilby North Forsyth 20:00 68. Chad Tarlton South Rowan 20:10 69. Rory Lowellyn South Stokes 20:16 70. Calvin McClure Kannapolis A.L. Brown 20:20 71. John McKenzie Winston-Salem Parkland 20:24 72. Johan Peterson East Forsyth 20:25 73. Darren Hickerson North Forsyth 20:41 74. Todd Platt East Forsyth 20:42 75. Steve Hall Eden Morehead 20:44 76. Lee Sartin North Davidson 20:53 77. David Collier South Stokes 20:59 78. Pete Barbour South Rowan 21:03 79. Billy Clemmer Winston-Salem Parkland 21:04 80. Greg Magaraci South Stokes 21:06 81. Shawn Small Winston-Salem Parkland 21:07 82. Scott Bookout Greensboro Page 21:09 83. Miguel Keaton Kernersville Glenn 21:11 84. Donald Shaw South Stokes 21:17 85. Randy Mann Kennapolis A.L. Brown 21:22 86. Thomas Sizemore East Forsyth 21:23 87. Karl Roseman Kannapolis A.L. Brown 21:26 88. Barry Rymer South Rowan 21:27 89. Brian Scott North Davidson 21:33 90. Al Foltz South Stokes 21:36 91. Nate Sweitzer North Davidson 21:59 92. Doug Sigmon West Forsyth 22:22 93. Chad Eagle South Rowan 22:23 94. Jeremy Carter South Rowan 22:24 95. Heath Shewmaker South Rowan 22:25 96. Tim Hill South Stokes 22:25 97. Chris Hudson Kannapolis A.L. Brown 22:48 98. Brian Shipwash North Davidson 22:54 99. Nathaniel Johnson Kernersville Glenn 22:55 100. James Collins Winston-Salem Carver 22:56 101. Todd Shoat North Davidson 23:01 102. Willie Matthewson Winston-Salem Carver 25:25 103. Kenny Coates Winston-Salem Carver 27:35 104. Ronald Rice Winston-Salem Carver 28:15 (104 finishers.)
GIRLS: 1. Greensboro Grimsley 27 2. Greensboro Page 77 3. Eden Morehead 98 4. West Forsyth 100 5. Winston-Salem RJ Reynolds 109 6. Southeast Guilford 154 7. South Rowan 182 8. Winston-Salem Parkland 204 No score: Carver, Dudley, E. Forsyth. 1. Stacey Watkins Greensboro Grimsley 20:00 2. Tonya Willis Eden Morehead 21:03 3. Michelle Rustad Winston-Salem Reynolds 21:23 4. Simone Obadiah Greensboro Page 21:24 5. Mildred Lawson Greensboro Dudley 21:38 6. Sandy Bixler Greensboro Grimsley 21:39 7. Silica Johnson Greensboro Grimsley 21:49 8. Betsey Strassel Greensboro Grimsley 21:50 9. Maureen Musgrove Greensboro Grimsley 21:55 10. Brandye Watkins Greensboro Grimsley 21:56 11. Eileen Cirincione Greensboro Grimsley 22:18 12. Kassie Knight Southeast Guilford 22:30 13. Andrea Freeman Winston-Salem Reynolds 22:42 14. Ashley Woodruff West Forsyth 22:55 15. Kim Knowles West Forsyth 23:07 16. Melissa Bunda Eden Morehead 23:11 17. Kathy Kinser Greensboro Page 23:25 18. Virginia Mischen Greensboro Page 23:34 19. Ginny Sugg West Forsyth 23:58 20. Shelly Jenkins East Forsyth 24:12 21. Cindy Noe Greensboro Page 24:17 22. Shelly Ashcraft Winston-Salem Reynolds 24:24 23. Cherie Henley Greensboro Page 24:25 24. Paula Hilliard Southeast Guilford 24:28 25. Katie Carstens Eden Morehead 24:57 26. Ellen Corrihor South Rowan 25:01 27. Shannon McGinnis West Forsyth 25:06 28. Shannon Hamlett Eden Morehead 25:24 29. Lalonnie Walker Greensboro Page 25:26 30. Doris Skipwith Winston-Salem Parkland 25:27 31. Mandy Queen Winston-Salem Reynolds 25:34 32. Lori Goins West Forsyth 25:51 33. Robin Truitt West Forsyth 25:56 34. Michelle Hough Eden Morehead 25:58 35. Shannon Bowman Winston-Salem Carver 26:19 36. Janice Graham South Rowan 26:20 37. Linda Wood West Forsyth 26:26 38. Christie Garnett Eden Morehead 26:37 39. Sonia Smith South Rowan 27:01 40. Heather Brannock Southeast Guilford 27:43 41. Karen Burgess East Forsyth 27:56 42. Amanda Beeson East Forsyth 28:00 43. Kathy Greeson Winston-Salem Parkland 28:08 44. Connie Turkaly Winston-Salem Parkland 28:09 45. Carol Pugh Southeast Guilford 28:14 46. JennieJohnson Greensboro Page 28:40 47. Pam Matson Eden Morehead 28:41 48. Gina Funderburk South Rowan 28:53 49. Kisha Turner Winston-Salem Carver 29:20 50. Lisa Burton Southeast Guilford 29:21 51. Allison Oakes Winston-Salem Reynolds 29:31 52. Denise Raper South Rowan 29:34 53. Kathy Evans Winston-Salem Reynolds 29:37 54. Sandi Whitesell Southeast Guilford 30:03 55. Barbie Cummings Winston-Salem Parkland 30:52 56. Kathy Smith Winston-Salem Carver 34:32 57. Angela Brendle Winston-Salem Parkland 36:24 (57 finishers)The R.J. Reynolds boys won their third straight Regional championship and their 10th in 14 years.
The top 4 teams qualified for next week's state meet. Also qualifying were the top 5 individual finishers not on qualifying teams.
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