Searching NCPrepTrack


I get email from time to time from visitors to the site who ask me to add a search feature to search NCPrepTrack for a name or other string of characters. This is a low-priority task on my to-do list and I've never gotten around to adding it.

In the meantime, here's a handy little tip on how to find all pages on NCPrepTrack containing a name (or string of characters) ...

For example, let's say you want to find all pages on the site mentioning Delton Hall. The Grimsley star won the 400 at the 1983 State Meet in 46.41, and almost 30 years later (as of April 2012) he's still #1 on the All-Time NC List in that event.

Go to a good search engine like Google or Bing. Type in: Delton Hall

(no space before or after the colon ... and don't forget the .org)

Links to the six pages on NCPrepTrack with his name will be displayed..

One more suggestion... Say you are searching for Julie Shea, and you don't want to get pages containing both the names Julie Ward and Shea Snow -- (but no Julie Shea!). Simply surround the first and last name with double-quotes. e.g., "Julie Shea". This returns only the pages with Julie followed immediately by Shea.
