1991 North Carolina High School
State Cross-Country Championships

4-A Girls

3-A Boys   3-A Girls

1-A/2-A Boys   1-A/2-A Girls


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NCHSAA Boys 4-A - at McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 16, 1991 - 5,000 meters.
Unseasonably warm.

  1. East Mecklenburg      60
  2. Charlotte Myers Park  86
  3. Chapel Hill          157
  4. Richmond County      158
  5. Raleigh Athens Drive 177
  6. Northern Nash        205
  7. Fayetteville 71st    208
  8. Durham Jordan        234
  9. Watauga              262
 10. Charlotte Providence 273
 11. Greensboro Grimsley   ?
 12. So. Pines Pinecrest   ?
 13. W-S Mount Tabor       ?
 14. West Forsyth          ?
 15. Eastern Wayne         ?
 16. Morganton Freedom     ?
 17. Jacksonville          ?
 18. Hickory               ?
(unable to read some scores since cut off on R margin)

Plac Name          Grade School                Time   Bib#
  1. Jason Page       11 Raleigh Millbrook    16:04.0  549
  2. John Cline       11 Charlotte Myers Park 16:11.2  569
  3. Robert Easter    11 Charlotte Garinger   16:12.0  482
  4. Evan Davis       12 Fayetteville 71st    16:12.4  657
  5. Jason Sheppard   12 East Mecklenburg     16:12.9  449
  6. James Bache      11 Wilm. New Hanover    16:13.7  574
  7. Chris Bachl      12 Burlington Williams  16:19.8  701
  8. Kevin Pierpoint  10 Raleigh Millbrook    16:25.2  550
  9. Bryan Calloway   12 Charlotte Providence 16:28.1  617
 10. Butch Zoldak     11 Wilmington Hoggard   16:29.6  514
 11. Ed Kelly         11 So. Pines Pinecrest  16:31.6  605
 12. Diaba Brown      11 Richmond County      16:38.7  626
 13. Aaron Roberts    11 East Mecklenburg     16:39.4  448
 14. Ty Debela        12 Durham Jordan        16:43.6  529
 15. Heath Campbell   10 North Mecklenburg    16:44.2  584
 16. Augustus Stevens 12 Durham High          16:48.0  430
 17. Andrew Devine    10 Cary                 16:52.7  421
 18. Eric Beckman     11 Durham Jordan        16:55.7  528
 19. Rob Reynolds      9 Charlotte Myers Park 16:56.2  572
 20. Jeff Powell      11 Greensboro BL Smith  16:56.6  412
 21. Stephen Atkins    9 South View           16:57.9  668
 22. Kent Evans       12 Chapel Hill          17:00.2  423
 23. Mark Anders      12 Charlotte Myers Park 17:02.1  566
 24. Chafee Viets     11 West Forsyth         17:02.4  699
 25. Robbie Howell    10 Raleigh Athens Drive 17:03.3  407
 26. Dante Adkins     11 Eliz C. Northeastern 17:03.9  586
 27. Brad Taylor      11 East Mecklenburg     17:04.6  450
 28. Hank Davis       11 Fayetteville 71st    17:05.8  658
 29. Allen Des Autels 12 East Mecklenburg     17:08.9  444
 30. John Hooks       10 East Mecklenburg     17:10.0  445
 31. Dustin Anderson  10 Eastern Wayne        17:10.3  458
 32. Jon Austin       12 East Gaston          17:10.7  435
 33. Jeff Johnson      9 South View           17:14.4  670
 34. Bill Lickert     12 East Mecklenburg     17:15.0  446
 35. Jason Blank      12 Raleigh Enloe        17:15.3  466
 36. Jose Martinez    11 Raleigh Athens Drive 17:16.4  409
 37. Nicky Thibodeaux 12 Northern Nash        17:17.0  598
 38. David Michael    10 W-S Mount Tabor      17:17.6  564
 39. Matt Heedon      11 Greensboro Page      17:18.3  602
 40. Rob Moore        12 East Burke           17:19.1  431
 41. Michael Watkins  12 East Gaston          17:22.2  436
 42. Bob Peters       12 Charlotte Myers Park 17:22.7  571
 43. Jason Maxham     12 Greensboro Grimsley  17:23.4  493
 44. Jeremy Brewington10 Purnell Swett        17:23.9  625
 45. Mike Pryal       11 Gastonia Ashbrook    17:24.3  403
 46. Alan Dewel       11 Watauga              17:24.8  686
 47. Derrick Lockhart 12 Richmond County      17:26.3  629
 48. David Mabe       11 North Forsyth        17:26.7  576
 49. Jason Michaels   12 Morganton Freedom    17:27.1  478
 50. Chris Pluchos    10 East Forsyth         17:29.4  434
 51. Don Clarke Pearson 10  Chapel Hill       17:29.8  428
 52. Kenny Hartley    10 Hickory              17:30.4  500
 53. Joel McSwain     10 East Mecklenburg     17:30.9  447
 54. Jeff Winstead    12 Northern Nash        17:31.5  600
 55. Billy Knight     10 Richmond County      17:33.1  628
 56. Josh Daly        12 Raleigh Athens Drive 17:34.1  405
 57. Pummelble Magodla11 Chapel Hill          17:34.4  425
 58. Chris Hoffman    12 Northern Nash        17:34.8  594
 59. Tony Ingram       9 Richmond County      17:36.9  627
 60. Labron Thompson  12 So. Pines Pinecrest  17:37.4  608
 61. Sean Kuester     12 Charlotte Myers Park 17:37.8  570
 62. Robert Stephens   9 East Burke           17:38.4  432
 63. Todd Mesiboy     11 Chapel Hill          17:38.9  427
 64. Charles Harris   10 Greenville JH Rose   17:40.0  641
 65. Michael Diaz     12 South View           17:40.6  669
 66. Keith Hines      12 Eastern Wayne        17:42.0  461
 67. Charles Irons    12 Chapel Hill          17:42.4  424
 68. Mike McKee        9 Northern Nash        17:44.1  596
 69. Derek Hamner     12 Watauga              17:46.8  688
 70. Glenn Tingen     11 Durham Jordan        17:47.5  533
 71. Jon Mayes        11 Jacksonville         17:48.0  523
 72. Jason Gibbs      11 Eliz C. Northeastern 17:48.3  587
 73. Geoff Weels      11 Lumberton            17:48.9  541
 74. Matt McKinney    10 Greensboro Grimsley  17:49.8  494
 75. Andrew Chick     12 Jacksonville         17:50.6  520
 76. Josh Edwards     12 W-S Mount Tabor      17:52.6  561
 77. Josh Herrholz    12 Charlotte Providence 17:54.2  620
 78. Matt Schmink     11 Morganton Freedom    17:54.7  480
 79. Matthew Hueman   12 Fayetteville 71st    17:55.9  660
 80. Mike McInerney    9 Raleigh Athens Drive 17:58.7  410
 81. David Drenzek    12 Chapel Hill          17:59.6  422
 82. Stacy Cochran    12 Raleigh Athens Drive 18:00.1  404
 83. Jon Hasty        11 Hickory              18:02.6  501
 84. Ben Coffey       12 Fayetteville 71st    18:03.0  656
 85. Rick Finger      11 Watauga              18:03.3  687
 86. Max Myers        12 Greensboro Grimsley  18:05.2  495
 87. Brian McNamara   10 Chapel Hill          18:06.3  426
 88. Jason Rice       12 Watauga              18:07.4  689
 89. Chris Pruitt     12 South Caldwell       18:09.6  666
 90. Eric Stilley     10 Charlotte Providence 18:10.6  621
 91. Tommy Meece      12 Richmond County      18:12.7  630
 92. Erik Kouba       12 W-S Mount Tabor      18:13.1  563
 93. Brad Tewes       12 West Forsyth         18:13.5  698
 94. Billy Poland     12 Eastern Wayne        18:15.9  463
 95. Ritchie Blount   12 Charlotte Myers Park 18:16.3  567
 96. Michael Daniels  12 Ashev. AC Reynolds   18:16.6  398
 97. Brian Kinlaw     10 Greensboro Grimsley  18:17.3  492
 98. Brantley Gasaway 12 West Forsyth         18:18.4  694
 99. Carter Dickinson 12 Charlotte Providence 18:23.2  618
100. Austin Pack       9 West Forsyth         18:23.7  696
101. Marshall Leonard 11 Northern Nash        18:27.1  595
102. Joel Thompson    12 Watauga              18:29.0  691
103. Mike Weggins     12 Northern Nash        18:29.7  599
104. Christian Clark  11 Morganton Freedom    18:30.7  476
105. Brian Blount     11 W-S Mount Tabor      18:31.4  559
106. Dan Fulcher      12 So. Pines Pinecrest  18:33.8  604
107. Will Hodges       9 Watauga              18:34.6  690
108. Brad Bartlett    12 So. Pines Pinecrest  18:36.1  603
109. Craig Hart       10 Morganton Freedom    18:38.3  477
110. Alejandro Scott  12 Fayetteville 71st    18:39.3  661
111. Eric Miesch      10 West Forsyth         18:39.8  695
112. Jeff Harrell     10 Eastern Wayne        18:40.4  460
113. Brian Shoffner   11 Durham Jordan        18:41.1  5??
 [bottom edge of photocopied page 2 was cut off]
115. Jason Parker     12 Richmond County      18:46.0  631
116. Steve Wysmuller  10 Charlotte Providence 18:46.3  623
117. Owen Prentice     9 Durham Jordan        18:47.2  531
118. Patrick Abernathy11 Morganton Freedom    18:49.0  475
119. Artie Hirshfield 11 Greensboro Grimsley  18:51.3  491
120. Karlton Lane     11 Jacksonville         18:53.6  522
121. Henry Thomas     11 Fayetteville 71st    18:58.5  662
122. Will Corbett     12 Greensboro Grimsley  18:59.8  490
123. Nye Brennan      10 Charlotte Myers Park 19:00.4  568
124. Heath Burchette  10 West Forsyth         19:02.6  693
125. John Wilkinson   10 Greensboro Grimsley  19:03.5  496
126. Matt McKenzie    10 So. Pines Pinecrest  19:04.8  607
127. Ed Clark         10 Raleigh Athens Drive 19:07.4  408
128. Jason Hayden     10 Watauga              19:10.4  685
129. Brent Dunford    11 Raleigh Athens Drive 19:11.8  406
130. Josh Kuchera     11 Durham Jordan        19:12.4  527
131. Gary Newman      11 Jacksonville         19:14.4  525
132. Eric Haskin       9 Charlotte Providence 19:15.1  619
133. Daniel Wall      11 Richmond County      19:15.8  632
134. Jason Peterson   10 Eastern Wayne        19:16.1  462
135. Matt Sperati     12 Morganton Freedom    19:21.4  481
136. David Max        10 Hickory              19:23.5  505
137. Adam Newman      10 Jacksonville         19:25.3  524
138. Ben Huggins      11 W-S Mount Tabor      19:26.9  562
139. Wesley Morrison  11 Durham Jordan        19:28.9  530
140. Rick Halliday    12 Eastern Wayne        19:29.9  459
141. Adam Matthews    12 So. Pines Pinecrest  19:31.9  606
142. John Williams    11 So. Pines Pinecrest  19:32.5  609
143. Kevin Hueman      9 Fayetteville 71st    19:36.2  659
144. Casey Opp        12 Morganton Freedom    19:42.5  479
145. Scott Blake      10 W-S Mount Tabor      19:43.4  558
146. Bjorn Jacobson   12 Hickory              19:55.1  503
147. Jess Wood        11 Charlotte Providence 19:56.2  622
148. Charles Key Doyle11 Jacksonville         19:56.9  521
149. Howard Stimpson  11 West Forsyth         20:00.9  697
150. Gary Smith       10 Eastern Wayne        20:13.0  464
151. John Heffner      9 Hickory              20:17.5  502
152. Jon Walker       11 Hickory              20:33.0  506
153. Brian Opeoshaw   12 Jacksonville         20:36.8  526
154. Michael John     11 Hickory              21:17.5  504
155. William Silver   10 Northern Nash        21:53.7  597

   155 finishers


1. Franklin            49
2. Monroe Sun Valley   50
3. West Henderson      80
4. North Buncombe      89
5. East Rowan         122

 1. Bryan Zmijewski   Sun Valley          15:40
 2. Vimal Patel       Franklin            15:58
 3. Mark Hill         Sun Valley          16:04
 4. Fred Gant         Burlington Cummings 16:10
 5. Eric Pragle       North Buncombe      16:11
 6. Albert Royster    Western Alamance    16:18
 7. Earl McMinn       West Henderson      16:33
 8. Henry Martin      North Buncombe      16:35
 9. Brandon Coonse    Lenoir Hibriten     16:35
10. Scott Julian      East Rowan          16:50
11. Chris O'Shields   Sun Valley          16:51
12. Rob Reaves        West Carteret       16:54
13. Corby Pons        Franklin            16:55
14. Stephen Baldwin   Franklin            16:55
15. Chan Pons         Franklin            16:57

NCHSAA Boys 2-A/1-A - at McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 9, 1991 - 5,000 meters.

 3-Polk County
 4-Swain County
 5-Bunker Hill
 8-Surry central
 9-E Davidson
10-Jordan Matthews
 1-Tommy Trehern    Swain County 15:47.7
 2-Matthew Bradley  Cherokee     16:22.1
 3-Aron Miller      Murphy       16:23.4
 4-Tim Coughlin     Clayton      16:23.7
 5-Stephen Thacker  Mtn Heritage 16:27.1
 6-Seth Peoples     Polk         16:32.5
 7-Henry moody      Swain        16:38.5
 8-Jay Sutherland   Manteo       16:49.1
 9-Justin Lennons   Manteo       16:56.5
10-Mark Cunningham  NCSSM        17:00.3 

NCISAA Boys - at Duke University, Durham
Saturday, October 26, 1991

 1. Durham Academy
 2. Forsyth Country Day
 3. Charlotte Country Day
 4. The Asheville School
 5. Charlotte Christian
 6. W-S Bishop McGuiness
 7. Charlotte Providence Day
 8. Carolina Day
 9. Charlotte Latin
10. Ral Cardinal Gibbons
11. Ral Ravenscroft
12. Arden Christ School

 1. Marshall Moore  Durham Academy      17:33
 2. Mike Miller     Forsyth Country Day
 3. Graham Cosper   Char Providence Day
 4. Eric Stann      Durham Academy
 5. Herbie Burns    Bishop McGuiness
 6. Don Walker      Durham Academy
 7. Shawn Gorman    Char Country Day
 8. Ken Kiser       Char Latin
 9. Scott Mahoney   Char Country Day
10. Mike Musante    Durham Academy

NCHSAA Girls 4-A - at McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 16, 1991 - 5,000 meters. Unseasonably warm.

 1. Charlotte Providence 90
 2. Watauga              93
 3. Cary                108
 4. Lumberton           158
 5. East Mecklenburg    161
 6. Greensboro Grimsley 183
 7. North Mecklenburg   209
 8. Raleigh Sanderson   227
 9. W-S Mount Tabor      ?
10. Asheville Reynolds   ?
11. Morganton Freedom    ?
12. Raleigh Millbrook    ?
13. Northern Nash        ?
14. Eastern Wayne        ?
15. W-S R.J. Reynolds    ?
16. Fay. Terry Sanford   ?
17. Wilmington Hoggard   ?
18. Fayetteville 71st    ?
(unable to read some scores since cut off on R margin)

Plac Name            Grade School                Time  Bib#
  1. Ami Herrman        11 Charlotte Providence 18:44  612  
  2. Anna Ticktin       12 Eastern Wayne        19:08  457
  3. Lauren Ballard     10 North Mecklenburg    19:31  577
  4. Holly Cooper       11 Watauga              19:41  679
  5. Bridgette Coelho   12 Smithfield Selma     19:44  664
  6. Tricia Callison    12 Charlotte Providence 20:02  610
  7. Carissa Sipe        9 Cary                 20:03  419
  8. Amy Clark          12 North Mecklenburg    20:15  578
  9. Helena Lewis       12 Lumberton            20:16  538
 10. Brandyn Price      12 Fay. Terry Sanford   20:37  675
 11. Tonya Pate         11 Cary                 20:39  418
 12. Julie Bergenser    12 Greensboro Grimsley  20:41  483
 13. Tammie Carpenter   11 Smithfield Selma     20:42  663
 14. Angie McLamb       11 Lumberton            20:43  539
 15. Lynn Metzger       11 Raleigh Broughton    20:43  413
 16. Nicole Thibodeaux  10 Northern Nash        20:45  592
 17. Farrell O'Quinn    10 Char. Independence   20:52  517
 18. Amy Locklear       11 Pembroke Swett       20:55  624
 19. Erica Mathies       9 Morganton Freedom    20:57  471
 20. Kim Deni           10 Watauga              21:00  680
 21. Siobhan Coughlin   10 Cary                 21:03  415
 22. Winifred Winston   11 Hoke County          21:05  516
 23. Skye Hanford       10 Raleigh Enloe        21:07  465
 24. Jenny Chase        11 Raleigh Sanderson    21:08  642
 25. Helly Wolff         9 Charlotte Providence 21:08  616
 26. Julie Van Hellemont 12 East Mecklenburg    21:11  443
 27. Sally Michael      12 W-S Mount Tabor      21:12  553
 28. Rebecca Johnson    12 Morganton Freedom    21:16  470
 29. April Fancher      10 Fayetteville Byrd    21:17  429
 30. Brennan Fisk       10 Cary                 21:20  416
 31. Alison Alderman    12 Watauga              21:22  678
 32. Heidi Schunk       11 Apex                 21:24  400
 33. Bethany Johnson    12 Watauga              21:25  682
 34. Shontel Jung       11 East Mecklenburg     21:26  439
 35. Millie James       12 East Mecklenburg     21:29  438
 36. Kathleen Mertes    10 Watauga              21:33  683
 37. Lauren Escott       9 W-S Mount Tabor      21:37  552
 38. Jessica Besseck    12 Fay. Westover        21:41  700
 39. Emily Pifer        11 Greensboro Grimsley  21:43  487
 40. Beth Herrman        9 Charlotte Providence 21:46  613
 41. Tonya Hunt         11 Lumberton            21:49  536
 42. Alicia Dandar      12 Northeastern         21:50  585
 43. Karen Churchill    11 East Mecklenburg     21:51  437
 44. Lashundra Carter   11 Eastern Wayne        21:53  451
 45. Jennifer Kalanick  12 Greensboro Grimsley  21:55  484
 46. Jennifer Phelps     9 Watauga              21:55  684
 47. Abbie Hawkins       9 Charlotte Providence 21:56  611
 48. Heather Edwards    11 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 21:57  392
 49. Jackie Shinn        9 Raleigh Millbrook    22:01  546
 50. Anne McInnis       11 Wilmington Hoggard   22:02  510
 51. Michelle Jones     11 Lumberton            22:05  537
 52. Celina Boer         9 Greensboro Page      22:05  601
 53. Beth Roberts       10 W-S Mount Tabor      22:06  557
 54. Jannica Hjertman   12 Northern Nash        22:07  589
 55. Takiya Mark        10 Greensboro BL Smith  22:08  411
 56. Heather Morrow     11 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 22:08  394
 57. Katy Truluck       12 W-S R.J. Reynolds    22:12  639
 58. Katie Stitzer      10 Raleigh Sanderson    22:12  648
 59. Anna Coffin        12 West Charlotte       22:13  692
 60. Elizabeth Gambriel 11 Watauga              22:15  681
 61. Jill Westbrook     11 Raleigh Millbrook    22:19  548
 62. Kim Turner         11 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 22:30  396
 63. Maggie Fleming     11 Raleigh Sanderson    22:32  645
 64. Laura Cumings      12 Lumberton            22:39  534
 65. Jill Rohles        10 West Mecklenburg     22:45  581
 66. Katy Shearon        9 W-S R.J. Reynolds    22:46  638
 67. Crystal Millsaps   10 Greensboro Grimsley  22:48  486
 68. Andrea Jernigan    11 Charlotte Myers Park 22:51  565
 69. Kara Keeter         9 Cary                 22:54  417
 70. Kelly Simpson      11 Gastonia Ashbrook    22:56  402
 71. Emily Diers         9 Raleigh Sanderson    23:01  643
 72. Leia Thomas        12 South Caldwell       23:03  665
 73. Jennifer Strange   10 North Forsyth        23:04  575
 74. Susan McCall       10 Greensboro Grimsley  23:05  485
 75. Elizabeth Suddreth  9 North Mecklenburg    23:06  582
 76. Michelle Simmons   11 Fayetteville 71st    23:06  655
 77. Jennifer Westbrook 11 Raleigh Millbrook    23:07  547
 78. Jayne Thomisee     11 East Mecklenburg     23:07  442
 79. Michelle Halbert   11 Raleigh Sanderson    23:09  646
 80. Verisha Saulet     12 Raleigh Sanderson    23:10  647
 81. Tasha Davis         9 Hoke County          23:10  515
 82. Sarah Carr         11 Hickory              23:14  497
 83. Sara Max           12 Hickory              23:15  498
 84. Courtney Whitner   11 Wilmington Hoggard   23:16  513
 85. Erin Wells          9 Greensboro Grimsley  23:16  489
 86. Sarah Madej        11 Charlotte Providence 23:17  614
 87. Pennie Cumings     10 Lumberton            23:22  535
 88. Erika Dudenhoeffer 12 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 23:23  391
 89. Britt Armentrout   11 W-S Mount Tabor      23:25  551
 90. Lindsay Eckert     12 Raleigh Sanderson    23:26  644
 91. Carol Weber         9 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 23:27  397
 92. Becky Neal         10 East Forsyth         23:31  433
 93. Katie Patterson     9 W-S Mount Tabor      23:32  555
 94. Sally McIntyre     11 East Mecklenburg     23:33  440
 95. Jessica New        10 South Stokes         23:37  667
 96. Kiki Anderson      12 Cary                 23:41  414
 97. Janice Smith       10 Fay. Terry Sanford   23:45  676
 98. Morgan Taylor      11 Cary                 23:49  420
 99. Mary Rutledge      11 Fayetteville 71st    23:52  654
100. Meredith Hall      11 W-S R.J. Reynolds    23:53  635
101. Andrea Smith       10 East Mecklenburg     23:55  441
102. Allison Dorsey     12 Raleigh Millbrook    23:59  542
103. Annie Hammerstone  11 Morganton Freedom    24:01  469
104. Jill Patton        11 Morganton Freedom    24:01  472
105. Debbie Portis      11 Charlotte Providence 24:02  615
106. Jennifer Smart     12 Eastern Wayne        24:05  453
107. Nicole O'Brien     10 Raleigh Millbrook    24:05  544
108. Martha Ashcraft    10 W-S R.J. Reynolds    24:06  633
109. Scottie Pate        9 W-S Mount Tabor      24:08  554
110. Jamie Witherspoon  10 Morganton Freedom    24:08  473
111. Amy Hazlett        12 Wilmington Hoggard   24:12  508
112. Christine Ledford  11 Asheville Erwin      24:17  467
113. Courtney Jones     10 North Mecklenburg    24:18  580
114. Heather Buchanan   12 Fay. Terry Sanford   24:21  671
115. Tonya Oates        12 Fayetteville 71st    24:21  652
116. Heather Manuel     10 Greenville J.H. Rose 24:22  640
117. Crissy Keiper      11 Fayetteville 71st    24:24  651
118. Tamatha Gilreath   11 Northern Nash        24:26  588
119. Jennifer Smith     10 Jacksonville         24:27  518
120. Lotoya Westry      12 Northern Nash        24:35  593
121. Sonya Pitts        11 Fayetteville 71st    24:48  653
122. Megan Redmond      10 Wilmington Hoggard   24:51  512
123. Amy Gonzalez       11 Raleigh Millbrook    25:01  543
124. Stephanie Rinehardt11 Hickory              25:02  499
125. Karen Philbrick    12 Fay. Terry Sanford   25:12  674
126. Jennifer Larsen    12 Fay. Terry Sanford   25:12  673
127. Tamara Mills       11 Wilmington Hoggard   25:12  511
128. Amy Rice           10 Northern Nash        25:15  590
129. Heather Snay       11 Jacksonville         25:27  519
130. Alexis Jacks       12 Fayetteville 71st    25:31  650
131. Ginny Padgett      10 Wilm. New Hanover    25:39  573
132. Anne Hale          11 Fay. Terry Sanford   25:42  672
133. Jenny McKay        12 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 25:43  393
134. Amanda Washam      10 North Mecklenburg    25:43  583
135. Carol Groux        10 North Mecklenburg    25:44  579
136. Elissa Baldwin      9 Wilmington Hoggard   25:44  507
137. Lawren Callahan    10 W-S R.J. Reynolds    25:51  634
138. Julie Pyne         12 Raleigh Millbrook    26:10  545
139. Andria Dale        11 Morganton Freedom    26:11  468
140. Amy Hammock         9 W-S R.J. Reynolds    26:20  636
141. Jennifer Wall      11 Greensboro Grimsley  26:23  488
142. Emily Adcock       10 Gastonia Ashbrook    26:30  401
143. Amy Stalls         10 Northern Nash        26:42  591
144. Ashley Tennant     11 Ashev. A.C. Reynolds 27:18  395
145. Joanne Smart       10 Eastern Wayne        28:14  454
146. Amanda Smith       12 Eastern Wayne        31:22  455
147. Leslie Witherspoon 11 Morganton Freedom    32:31  474
148. Julie Shearin      10 Eastern Wayne        35:43  452

   148 finishers

NCHSAA Girls 3-A

 1. Northwest Cabarrus 56
 2. Monroe Sun Valley  83
 3. Washington        114
 4. Franklin          115
 5. West Henderson    148
 6. Greenville Conley 176
 7. St Stephens       183
 8. McMichael         184
 9. East Rowan        188
10. East Henderson    210

1. Suzanne Black    Sun Valley 19:29.9 3-A Record (old: 19:30, Francine Dumas, TC Roberson, 86)
2. Rebekah Frick    East Rowan 19:48
3. Mia Richardson   McMichael  20:01

NCHSAA Girls 2-A/1-A - at McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 9, 1991 - 5,000 meters.

1. Murphy

1. Karen Godlock      Polk County 

NCISAA Girls - at Duke University, Durham
Saturday, October 26, 1991

1. Durham Academy       13 (3 to score instead of 5)
2. Char Country Day     19
3. Greensboro Day       28
4. Forsyth Country Day  30
5. Charlotte Latin      47
6. Ral Cardinal Gibbons 61
7. St. Mary's           85

 1. Blake Phillips  Forsyth Country Day 
 2. Christy Reeves  Durham Academy
 3. Tonya Malloy    Greensboro Day
 4. Betsy Reeves    Durham Academy
 5. Lynn Hendrick   Char Country Day
 6. Andrea Harbison Char Country Day
 7. Anna Frick      Durham Academy
 8. Nancy Conn      The Asheville School
 9. Heather Backer  Ral Ravenscroft
10. Ann Koehler     Char Country Day

Abbreviations: Ashev = Asheville; Char = Charlotte; Eliz C. = Elizabeth City; Fay = Fayetteville; Ral = Raleigh; Wilm = Wilmington; W-S = Winston-Salem.

Thanks to Coach John Gray of Durham Jordan for providing complete 4-A results.

Help. We need more results.

Note: Please send missing information or corrections to (Email info).

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