1994 North Carolina High School
State Cross-Country Championships


4-A Girls

3-A Boys   3-A Girls

1-A/2-A Boys   1-A/2-A Girls


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4-A Boys - McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1994
Pl. School              Points  #1 #2 #3 #4  #5  #6  #7
--  ---------------------- ---  -- -- -- -- --- --- ---
 1. Watauga County          52   1  4  7 16  24  30  85
 2. East Mecklenburg       126   3 19 21 26  57  84  96
 3. Charlotte Providence   131   2 14 20 41  54  72  82
 4. Winston-Salem Mt.Tabor 176  10 27 31 33  75  83  88
 5. Wilmington Hoggard     182  17 28 37 47  53  55  62
 6. Durham Jordan          190  12 34 35 50  59  70  91
 7. Raleigh Leesville Road 198  22 23 36 44  73  79 100
 8. Raleigh Millbrook      218   8 18 39 56  97 102 111
 9. Northern Nash          245   6 51 58 61  69  74 108
10. Fayetteville 71st      254   5 46 48 52 103 109 112
11. West Forsyth           257  11 13 45 93  95  98 106
12. Scotland County        266   9 29 49 80  99 104 107
13. Cary                   271  38 43 60 64  66  68  81
14. Chapel Hill            281  15 40 71 77  78  90  94
15. So. Pines Pinecrest    307  32 42 65 76  92 105 110
16. Gastonia Ashbrook      328  25 63 67 86  87  89 101
Meet Record: 15:09, Brant Armentrout, Winston-Salem Mount Tabor, 1989
Course Rec: 14:57, Brian Jaeger ('82) & Teddy Mitchell ('89)

4-A Boys
Pl   Name            Grade School               Time   Bib#
---  ----------------   -- -------------------  ------- ---
  1. Will Hodges        12 Watauga              15:38.9 507
  2. Justin Niedzalek   12 Charlotte Providence 15:46.1 463 
  3. Andrew Pearson     12 North Forsyth        15:49.4 420
  4. Mike McKee         12 Rocky Mount          16:00.9 470
  5. Joey Farlow        11 Greensboro Grimsley  16:02.7 344
  6. Robby Chase        12 Raleigh Sanderson    16:04.2 473
  7. Pen Peery          12 East Mecklenburg     16:04.7 330
  8. Jody Corum         10 Watauga              16:06.6 506
  9. Mark Griffin       12 Fayetteville 71st    16:10.4 490
 10. Tim Gautreaux      11 Northern Nash        16:12.5 430
 11. Shane Austin       11 Watauga              16:13.5 505
 12. Kevin Clayton      11 Roxboro Person       16:16.9 438
 13. Josh Morgan        11 South Mecklenburg    16:18.0 495
 14. Thomas Scott       12 Raleigh Millbrook    16:22.9 399
 15. Mike Singer        12 Scotland County      16:26.0 479
 16. Justin England     11 Raleigh Enloe        16:33.4 335
 17. Chris Vaughn       11 Mount Tabor          16:35.9 413
 18. Lamonte Pennington 10 Durham Hillside      16:37.0 345
 19. Michael Mauriello  10 South Mecklenburg    16:39.9 494
 20. Greg Vasser        12 West Forsyth         16:40.3 525
 21. James Artis        10 Durham Jordan        16:40.6 369
 22. Austin Pack        12 West Forsyth         16:40.9 521
 23. Brian Lesesky      11 Charlotte Providence 16:41.3 461
 24. George Stevens     12 Raleigh Broughton    16:41.8 290
 25. Greg Wolf          11 Chapel Hill          16:43.8 317
 26. Dylan Wright       12 Watauga              16:45.7 511
 27. Josh Hickman       11 Wilmington Hoggard   16:48.3 355
 28. Brian St Onge      12 Raleigh Millbrook    16:49.5 400
 29. Greg Prudhomme     12 East Mecklenburg     16:50.0 331
 30. Chris Mayo         10 Charlotte Providence 16:50.5 462
 31. Shane Walts        10 East Mecklenburg     16:51.0 333
 32. Robert Stephens    12 East Burke           16:52.4 319
 33. Paul Powers        11 Lumberton            16:54.0 391
 34. Matty Kummerer     10 Raleigh Leesville Rd 16:55.1 386
 35. Kevin Janasiewicz  12 Raleigh Leesville Rd 16:56.2 385
 36. Chris Kitchens     12 Watauga              17:00.8 508
 37. Josh Glasson       12 Orange County        17:01.4 436
 38. Nick Winkel        10 Rocky Mount          17:02.2 471
 39. Chris Goodwin      11 Gastonia Ashbrook    17:02.5 279
 40. Kevin Cutts        12 East Mecklenburg     17:02.9 327
 41. Nick Iauco         10 W-S Mount Tabor      17:03.2 410
 42. Tom Poelling       11 Wilmington Hoggard   17:03.5 357
 43. Gibson Moore       11 Scotland County      17:05.4 477
 44. Caleb Thorpe       12 Watauga              17:05.7 510
 45. Justin McIntyre    12 W-S Mount Tabor      17:08.1 412
 46. Seth Huffstetter   12 So. Pines Pinecrest  17:08.8 447
 47. Doug Wessling      10 W-S Mount Tabor      17:09.5 414
 48. Bryan Kaufman      11 Durham Jordan        17:10.2 371
 49. Owen Prentice      12 Durham Jordan        17:10.6 374
 50. Noah Arthurs       10 Purnell Swett        17:11.0 467
 51. Ben Horton         11 Raleigh Leesville Rd 17:11.9 384
 52. Kevin Powers       10 Wilmington Hoggard   17:12.7 358
 53. Ivy Hill           11 Cary                 17:14.7 301
 54. Paul Cruess        11 Raleigh Millbrook    17:16.1 397
 55. Ryan Whaley        11 Chapel Hill          17:16.6 316
 56. Derric Whiteside   12 Charlotte Providence 17:17:1 466
 57. Nathan McGraw      11 So. Pines Pinecrest  17:17.7 448
 58. Sean Timmey        12 Cary                 17:18.0 304
 59. Joe Cornwell       12 Alexander Central    17:19.3 267
 60. Phil Rogers         9 Raleigh Leesville Rd 17:20.0 388
 61. Eric Strohl        12 West Forsyth         17:20.8 524
 62. Kameron Poindexter 11 Fayetteville 71st    17:22.1 493
 63. Jack Sawyer        12 Wilmington Hoggard   17:22.3 359
 64. Mike Bannerman     12 Fayetteville 71st    17:24.3 487
 65. Freddie McGill     12 Scotland County      17:27.1 475
 66. Jeremy Johnson     10 Jacksonville         17:28.4 367
 67. Gabe Merrill       11 Durham Jordan        17:29.8 372
 68. Jason Knightlinger 12 Northern Nash        17:30.4 431
 69. Chris Daniel       11 Fayetteville 71st    17:30.9 489
 70. Alex Bryant        11 Wilmington Hoggard   17:31.2 353
 71. Pat Price          10 Charlotte Providence 17:31.6 464
 72. Colin Hackman      12 Wilmington Hoggard   17:32.1 354
 73. Sonny Barnette     11 Raleigh Millbrook    17:32.8 394
 74. Wes Noice          12 East Mecklenburg     17:34.2 329
 75. Telly LaFranque    12 Northern Nash        17:34.7 432
 76. Luke Bump          12 Durham Jordan        17:35.5 370
 77. Phillip Carter      9 Cary                 17:36.4 298
 78. John Denton        11 Northern Nash        17:37.6 429
 79. Shawn McGee         9 Wilmington Hoggard   17:39.3 356
 80. Daniel Arthur      10 Gastonia Ashbrook    17:39.6 276
 81. Seth Stallings     11 Cary                 17:39.9 303
 82. Tron Chavis         9 So. Pines Pinecrest  17:41.0 446
 83. Jonathon Devine    11 Cary                 17:41.4 299
 84. Jimmy Sawyer       11 Gastonia Ashbrook    17:41.9 281
 85. Bryan Ellis        11 Cary                 17:42.2 300
 86. Frank Murray       10 Northern Nash        17:43.8 433
 87. Nathanael Pustaver  9 Durham Jordan        17:45.3 375
 88. Jason Marshall     12 Chapel Hill          17:45.6 314
 89. Eric Haskin        12 Charlotte Providence 17:45.9 460
 90. Craig Littlefield   9 Raleigh Leesville Rd 17:46.3 387
 91. Steven Johnson     12 Wilm. New Hanover    17:48.1 418
 92. Billy Shaw         11 Northern Nash        17:51.1 435
 93. Ric Maroni         12 Ashev AC Reynolds    17:52.5 266
 94. John Little        10 W-S Mount Tabor      17:52.9 411
 95. Victor McLaurin     9 So. Pines Pinecrest  17:53.3 449
 96. Brian Zegeer       11 Chapel Hill          17:53.7 318
 97. Travis Combest     11 Chapel Hill          17:55.4 312
 98. John Worsham       10 Raleigh Leesville Rd 17:55.8 389
 99. Chris Pearson      11 Scotland County      17:56.5 478
100. Brian Keeter        9 Cary                 17:56.8 301
101. Josh Campbell      10 Charlotte Providence 17:58.7 465
102. Christian Byrd     11 W-S Mount Tabor      18:00.0 409
103. Thomas Elrod       12 East Mecklenburg     18:00.8 328
104. Joe Kitchens        9 Watauga              18:01.2 509
105. Will Summerville   12 Gastonia Ashbrook    18:02.9 282
106. Kyle Hoover        10 Gastonia Ashbrook    18:04.9 280
107. Alex Beach         10 W-S Mount Tabor      18:07.9 408
108. Ben Cox            12 Gastonia Ashbrook    18:14.3 277
109. Ryan Gaunt          9 Chapel Hill          18:20.9 313
110. Ethan Mullinix     12 Durham Jordan        18:23.4 373
111. Brenden St Denis    9 So. Pines Pinecrest  18:24.5 451
112. Bryan Flowe        11 West Forsyth         18:25.4 519
113. Andy Smith          9 Chapel Hill          18:26.3 315
114. Barrett Pack       12 West Forsyth         18:38.8 522
115. Russ Taylor        12 East Mecklenburg     18:40.0 332
116. Mike Phillips      12 Raleigh Millbrook    18:45.2 398
117. Dan Sowder         10 West Forsyth         18:47.7 523
118. Jermaine McNeil     9 Scotland County      18:48.5 476
119. Chad Butterworth   11 Raleigh Leesville Rd 18:49.7 383
120. Daniel Doby        10 Gastonia Ashbrook    18:52.7 278
121. Jay Crowe           9 Raleigh Millbrook    18:55.4 396
122. Erv Hill           12 Fayetteville 71st    19:08.2 491
123. Curt Casciato       9 Scotland County      19:08.9 474
124. Jeff Snyder        12 So. Pines Pinecrest  19:10.4 450
125. Scott Hiatt        11 West Forsyth         19:15.5 520
126. Eddie Sopp         10 Scotland County      19:18.7 480
127. Doug Richardson    12 Northern Nash        19:20.7 434
128. Torrell Collins    11 Fayetteville 71st    19:21.6 488
129. Paul Stancik       10 So. Pines Pinecrest  19:25.0 452
130. Matt Beineke       11 Raleigh Millbrook    19:58.1 395
131. Jacob Houge        11 Fayetteville 71st    20:24.0 492

   131 finishers

3-A Boys - McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1994

1. Franklin                26
2. Trinity                 95
3. Ragsdale                98
4. Wake Forest-Rolesville 138
5. Brevard                166
6. East Rutherford        199
7. Greenville Conley      215
8. South Johnston         220
9. Sun Valley             240
10.Northwest Cabarrus     285

3-A Boys
1. Chan Pons      Franklin    15:37
2. Robby Cochran  Ragsdale    15:41
3. Corby Pons     Franklin    16:04
4. Shon Hildreth  Trinity     16:29
5. Jeff Connelly  New Bern    16:41
6. Jim Holtzman   Ragsdale    16:41
7. Michael Avery  Franklin    16:43
8. Jason Dingess  Statesville 16:46
9. Leroy Loomis   White Oak   16:52
10.David Abel     Franklin    16:52

2-A/1-A Boys - McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1994

1. Murphy             78
2. Surry Central      82
3. Bunker Hill       143
4. Lejeune           147
5. Ledford           149
6. Mt.Airy           173
7. Hayesville        193
8. NC Science & Math 217
9. Northside         239
10.Mooresville       249
11.Jordan-Matthews   260
12.Mountain Heritage 277
13.Union Pines       288
14.SW Guilford       299
15.West Lincoln      338
16.West Rowan        392

2-A/1-A Boys
1. Bill Jackson      SW Guilford     15:54.3
2. Daniel Poole      West Stanly     16:10.3
3. Jason Hartness    Murphy          16:11.2
4. Ray Wallen        W. Henderson    16:27.8
5. Jonathan Thacker  Mtn Heritage    16:37.5
6. Jeremiah Buechner Bandys          16:39.2
7. Rodney Archer     Swain County    16:49.5
8. Gary Valentine    E. Henderson    16:56.7
9. Elton Oakley      Union Pines     16:57.0
10.Jason Wright      Mt. Airy        16:58.3
11.Andrew Kellner    Lejeune         17:00.4
12.Jody Mitchell     Surry Central   17:05.9
13.Brian Martin      Mooresville     17:09.2
14.Charles Townson   Murphy          17:11.8
15.Michael Perry     Lejeune         17:16.2
16.Jon Maddy         Surry Central   17:19.5
17.Jason Daniels     Clayton         17:20.2
18.Mikey Lail        Bunker Hill     17:21.5
19.Chris Thompson    Jordan-Matthews 17:23.4
20.Joel Ozbolt       E. Alamance     17:24.4
21.Ron Davis         Northside       17:26.4
22.Kevin Logan       Ledford         17:27.7
23.Kent Miller       Murphy          17:28.6
24.Brian Runzel      Lejeune         17:32.1
25.Jarrett Martin    Mt. Airy        17:33.4

Independent Schools Boys (NCISAA) - Hagan Stone Park, Greensboro
Saturday, Oct. 29, 1994

1. Durham Academy            34
2. Charlotte Country Day     37
3. Charlotte Providence Day  99
4. Raleigh Cardinal Gibbons 132
5. Charlotte Latin          140
6. Forsyth Country Day      176
7. Bishop McGuiness         246
8. Heathwood Hall           263
9. Carolina Day             268
10.Asheville School         279
11.Charlotte Christian      287
12.Raleigh Ravenscroft      325
13.Christ School            357
14.Greensboro Day           365
15.O'Neal School            425
16.Westchester Academy      457

Independent Schools Boys
1. Jeremy Moore       Durham Academy   16:32
2. Ben Hovis          Providence Day   16:33
3. Derrick McGarry    Char.Country Day 17:20
4. Marcus Marsh       Char.Country Day 17:24
5. Jacob Cohen        Durham Academy   17:27
6. Mack Colice        Durham Academy   17:33
7. Thibault Dechazail Char.Country Day 17:36
8. David Patterson    Cardinal Gibbons 17:39
9. Charlie Pringle    Durham Academy   17:39
10.Ryan Nunley        Providence Day   17:40
11.Tom McKnight       Char.Country Day 17:40
12.Chris Martin       Char.Country Day 17:49
13.Costen Irons       Durham Academy   17:54
14.Jeremy Cotter      Greensboro Day   18:03
15.Scott Grace        Carolina Day     18:06
16.Michael Nye        Providence Day   18:07
17.Jerome McDade      Charlotte Latin  18:12
18.Mark Cullen        Bishop McGuinness 18:15
19.David Coyle        Charlotte Latin  18:15
20.Steve Young        Charlotte Latin  18:23
21.Kevin Wronske      Carolina Day     18:26
22.Scott Williams     Char.Country Day 18:27
23.Greg Hipp          Char. Christian  18:28
24.Robert Wallace     Cardinal Gibbons 18:36
25.Cary Watlington    For. Country Day 18:39

4-A Girls - McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1994

1. West Forsyth           115
2. Apex                   117
3. Raleigh Leesville Road 118
4. Watauga                120
5. Chapel Hill            127
6. Cary                   133
7. Winston-Salem Mt.Tabor 148
8. Charlotte Providence   222
9. Fayetteville 71st      222
10.North Mecklenburg      234
11.East Mecklenburg       277
12.Raleigh Broughton      297
13.Greensboro Grimsley    313
14.Wilmington Hoggard     337
15.Pinecrest              360
16.Jacksonville           383

Only five points separated the top 4 schools, in one of the 
tightest team battles in history!

4-A Girls
1. Addie Bower     Watauga                18:44.4
2. Tanish Sluss    Fayetteville 71st      19:20.0
3. Lauren Escott   Winston-Salem Mt.Tabor 19:23.9
4. Angie Morley    Chapel Hill            19:24.2
5. Sheila Brim     Wilmington New Hanover 19:29.8
6. Whitney Woods   Watauga                19:35.3
7. Julie Smith     West Forsyth           19:37.7
8. Jennifer Phelps Watauga                19:42.4
9. Jody Rechage    Raleigh Leesville Road 19:57.4
10.Emily Gibbs     West Forsyth           20:01.7
11.Chelsea Wright  Raleigh Leesville Road 20:02.2
12.Heather Needham Raleigh Leesville Road 20:02.7
13.Meredith Sullivan Raleigh Millbrook    20:03.6
14.Kelly Neuschaefer Apex                 20:05.4
15.Tricia Peckham  Apex                   20:08.5
16.Courtney Horn   Charlotte Myers Park   20:09.7
17.Callie Gudeman  Chapel Hill            20:15.9
18.Mollie Hunt     Raleigh Millbrook      20:20.8
19.Catherine Loke  Chapel Hill            20:26.9
20.Natalie Hollar  North Mecklenburg      20:30.4
21.Kelly Swords    Ashbrook               20:30.8
22.Fran Lattie     Lumberton              20:31.2
23.Amy Henke       Cary                   20:31.5
24.Emma Lindell    East Mecklenburg       20:31.7
25.Meredith Faircloth Raleigh Broughton   20:32.0

3-A Girls - McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1994

1. Franklin                50
2. Ragsdale               107
3. Trinity                129
4. Northwest Guilford     170
5. Washington             185
6. Enka                   205
7. Southeast Guilford     205
8. Northwest Cabarrus     212
9. Wake-Forest Rolesville 230
10.South Johnston         254

3-A Girls
1. Mandy Becker      Fuquay-Varina  18:50
2. Erin Musson       Wilkes Central 19:01
3. Beth Fonner       Trinity        19:18
4. Katie Harmuth     Ragsdale       19:28
5. Corie Fuchs       Franklin       19:34
6. Jennifer Wiggins  Franklin       19:41
7. Allison Dupree    East Rowan     19:46
8. Olivia Laney      H.P. Central   19:57
9. Kelly Correll     NW Cabarrus    20:03
10.Chandra Huscusson Franklin       20:09

2-A/1-A Girls - McAlpine Greenway Park, Charlotte
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1994

1. Murphy          53
2. Hayesville      73
3. Northside      102
4. Science & Math 117
5. Ledford        160
6. Black Mtn Owen 176
7. Manteo         205
8. SW Guilford    234
9. W Alamance     238
10.Salisbury      243
11.Albemarle      260
12.N.Henderson    277
13.East Surry     291
14.Lejeune        318
15.W.Guilford     387
16.Char.Catholic no score

2-A/1-A Girls
1. Kristy Whitaker   Murphy          19:32.9
2. Julie Stackhouse  Hayesville      19:35.8
3. Sara Day          Ledford         19:36.7
4. Michelle Anderson Hayesville      19:45.9
5. Brandy Lawrentz   Mt.Airy         19:56.2
6. Debbie Won        Sci-Math        20:18.4
7. Tamara Beavers    Forbush         20:29.1
8. Briana Sullivan   Northside       20:30.5
9. Jessica Kephart   Murphy          20:34.7
10.Jenny Warfford    Jordan-Matthews 20:41.6
11.Meadow Mielke     North Henderson 20:43.8
12.Kristin Oliver    Murphy          20:48.2
13.Katie Langley     W. Alamance     20:52.0
14.Laura Wilson      Murphy          20:52.4
15.Laura Beth Coe    Union Pines     20:53.0
16.Jeannie Ledford   Hayesville      20:53.4
17.April Boehm       Owen            20:55.5
18.Lavette Credle    Northside       21:05.0
19.Misty Buchanan    Mitchell        21:14.1
20.Terri Cutler      Northside       21:17.8
21.Kristie Trivette  North Henderson 21:20.9
22.Heather Bowers    Clayton         21:22.3
23.Dana Pasquale     N.C. Science/Math 21:26.7
24.Martina Holcova   Chase           21:27.2
25.Lindsay Hasen     Mt. Airy        21:30.1

Independent Schools Girls (NCISAA) - Greensboro
Saturday, Oct. 29, 1994

Teams (only three runners scored)
1. Carolina Day          19
2. Hammond School        29
3. Raleigh Ravenscroft   37
4. Durham Academy        50
5. Forsyth Country Day   53
6. Providence Day        61
7. Ral Cardinal Gibbons  63
8. Charlotte Country Day 77
9. W-S Bishop McGuinness 82
10.Charlotte Latin       82
11.Salem Academy        101
12.Heathwood Hall       120
13.Greensboro Day       144
14.Westchester          169
15.O'Neal               171

Independent Schools Girls
1. Ayron Dubinsky    Providence Day   20:14
2. Myriam Lefler     Carolina Day     20:24
3. Erin Collins      Charlotte Latin  20:42
4. Annie Newell      Ral Ravenscroft  20:45
5. Elizabeth Kruel-Starr Ravenscroft  20:49
6. Harriett Fairy    Hammond School   20:52
7. Mae Todd Williams Hammond School   21:20
8. Ann Warlick       Carolina Day     21:31
9. Melissa Mullis    Carolina Day     21:34
10.Leslie Wilson     Durham Academy   21:45
11.Lauren Reynolds   For. Country Day 21:49
12.Nadita Harmatby   Char.Country Day 21:56
13.Joya Caskey       Char. Christian  22:11
14.Cortney Ratz      Cardinal Gibbons 22:12
15.Beth Brendlen     Cardinal Gibbons 22:13
16.Tricia Smith      Bishop McGuinness 22:17
17.Pierrine Todd     Hammond School   22;23
18.Charoste Haynes   Durham Academy   22:27
19.Mandy Nelson      For. Country Day 22:27
20.Lauren Fortuna    Carolina Day     22:30
21.Amanda Weeman     Heathwood Hall   22:34
22.Amanda Cardwell   Salem Academy    22:44
23.Lauren Gardner    Charlotte Latin  22:45
24.Nicki Ginsberg    Durham Academy   22:58
25.Aliana Trujillo   For. Country Day 23:01

Abbreviations: W-S = Winston-Salem, Wilm = Wilmington, So = Southern.

Thanks to Durham Jordan Coach John Gray for mailing complete 4-A Boys Results.

Also thanks to Coaches Larry McAfee (E. Meck) and Richard Prince (Myers Park)
for using such quality meet-results software back in the day ..and so clearly
readable here 25 years later as I easily type up and post these results.

If you can help NCPrepTrack to post deeper, missing results, please email to: (E-mail information)

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