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Teams 1. Winston-Salem Mt Tabor 43 2. Chapel Hill 134 3. Raleigh Broughton 136 4. Raleigh Athens Drive 142 5. East Mecklenburg 148 6. Asheville AC Reynolds 156 7. Charlotte Myers Park 190 8. Lumberton 212 9. Fayetteville Byrd 218 10.Charlotte Garinger 229 11.West Forsyth 269 12.Jacksonville 274 13.South Stokes 293 14.Northern Nash 299 15.Winston-Salem Reynolds 362This photo of Mount Tabor's Brant (L) and Kyle Armentrout was taken a week earlier at their regional meet. (Photo by Scott Martin, Winston-Salem Journal) Individuals 1. Brant Armentrout W-S Mount Tabor 15:09 State Record (old: 15:14, John Erickson '82, Mike Clinebell '85) 2. Kyle Armentrout W-S Mount Tabor 15:22 3. Frank Prevatte Lumberton 15:51 4. Andy Schopler Chapel Hill 16:00 5. Craig Longhurst East Wake 16:09 6. Bill McElroy W-S Mount Tabor 16:10 7. Bill Baldwin Ashvl Reynolds 16:12 8. Pat Thompson Jacksonville 16:19 9. Joe Smaw Fay. Byrd 16:19 10.Jared Helms Char Garinger 16:21 11.Michael James Char Harding 16:24 12.Brian Miesch East Mecklenburg 16:25 13.Patrick Phillips Watauga 16:28 14.John Logan Morganton Freedom 16:30 15.Robert Kirkland Raleigh Millbrook 16:33 16.Calvin Graham Cape Fear 16:34 17.Jason Shepard East Mecklenburg 16:35 18.Stacey Cochran Ral Athens Drive 16:41 19.Kevin Wilson Ashvl Reynolds 16:44 20.Mike McNamara Chapel Hill 16:45 21.Chris Yoshida W-S Mount Tabor 16:45 22.Chris Huffstickler Gastonia Ashbrook 16:47 23.Brian Patrick Jacksonville 16:49 24.Akid Harada Raleigh Broughton 16:50 25.Brian Hatfield Raleigh Enloe 16:53
Teams 1. Monroe Sun Valley 49 2. Enka 120 3. Kannapolis AL Brown 121 4. Franklin 123 5. Northwest Guilford 123 6. Eastern Guilford 130 7. Asheboro 170 8. Northwest Cabarrus 175 9. North Buncombe 183 10.West Henderson 208 11.Northeast Guilford 241 12.Mayodan McMichael 294 Individuals 1. Chris Edwards Northwest Cabarrus 16:01 2. Eric Pragle North Buncombe 16:03 3. David Jones Sun Valley 16:14 4. Greg King Northwest Guilford 16:22 5. Cooper Thorton Asheboro 16:24 6. Frankie Hunter Kannapolis Brown 16:26 7. Donnie Reuss Enka 16:27 8. Jeremy Hill Washington 16:30 9. Barry Wyatt High Point Central 16:34 10.Chris Powell Eden Morehead 16:36 11.Oscar Martinez Franklin 16:48 12.Jamie Griggs Eastern Guilford 16:50 13.David Allred High Point Andrews 16:52 14.Flint Helms Sun Valley 16:52 15.Bill Brady Concord 16:55 16.Richard Faulkner Sun Valley 16:56 17.Chris O'Shields Sun Valley 16:57 18.Mark Hill Sun Valley 16:59 19.Chris Snelson Enka 17:00 20.Denny Kerns Eastern Guilford 17:02 21.Matt Davis Northwest Guilford 17:13 22.Albert Royster Wallace-Rose Hill 17:15 23.Matt Harmon Sun Valley 17:22 24.Randall Peugh Kannapolis Brown 17:23 25.Ryan Abernathy Fred T Foard 17:27
NCHSAA Boys 2-A/1-A - at McAlpine Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 4, 1989 - 5,000 meters.
Teams 1. NC School of Science & Math 134 2. Bunker Hill 136 3. East Davidson 162 4. Manteo 191 5. Lejeune 206 6. Monroe 229 7. West Stanly 246 8. Surry Central 258 9. Swain County 260 10.Murphy 325 Individuals 1. Jason Bryant Surry Central 16:37 2. Mike Helms West Stanly 16:46 3. Mike Freeman Lejeune 16:47 4. Tommy Trehern Swain County 17:00 5. Dave Peterson NCSSM 17:04 6. J.B. Parker Monroe 17:08 7. Scott Laws Mtn Heritage 17:10 8. Eric LePage Manteo 17:11 9. Jimmy Ray E Davidson 17:13 10.Brian Creech E Davidson 17:13Help. We need places 11-25.
NCISAA Boys - At McAlpine Park, Charlotte
date unknown - 5,000 meters.
Teams 1. Durham Academy 22 2. Charlotte Latin 103 3. Christ School 119 4. Forsyth Country Day 125 5. Raleigh Ravenscroft 130 6. Greensboro Day 136 7. Charlotte Country Day 146 8. Bishop McGuinness 169 9. Asheville School 187 10.Charlotte Christian 211 Individuals 1. John Crumbliss Durham Academy 16:42 2. James Wilson Greensboro Day 17:19 3. Cory Johnson Durham Academy 17:22 4. Alan Rankin Durham Academy 17:26 5. Gene Vann Durham Academy 17:28 6. Michael Miller For. Country Day 17:35 7. Thomas Lovelace Christ School 17:38 8. Marcus Reynolds For. Country Day 17:44 9. Miles Hall Durham Academy 17:51 10.Graham Cosper Providence Day 17:57 11.John McLeod Durham Academy 17:58 12.Ken Kiser Charlotte Latin 18:26 13.Michael Painter Ral. Ravenscroft 18:31 14.Mike Coxhead Christ School 18:47 15.Mitch Payton For. Country Day 18:52 16.Scott Swenson Charlotte Latin 18:56 17.John Craig Ral. Ravenscroft 19:00 18.Herbie Burns Bishop McGuinness 19:02 19.David Chapman Charlotte Latin 19:03 20.Shawn Gorman Char. Country Day 19:06 21.Wells Brabham Greensboro Day 19:07 22.Jan Walter Ral. Ravenscroft 19:08.1 23.Smitty Smith Bishop McGuinness 19:08.8 24.Fred Gray Char. Country Day 19:09 25.John Weaver Charlotte Latin 19:12- Thanks to Durham Academy coach Dennis Cullen for providing NCISAA results.
Note: Please send missing information or corrections to
(Email info).
NCHSAA Girls 4-A - at McAlpine Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 11, 1989 - 5,000 meters.
1. Greensboro Grimsley 49
2. East Mecklenburg 110
3. Raleigh Broughton 120
4. Watauga 146
5. Apex 181
6. Chapel Hill 197
7. Lumberton 226
8. Northern Nash 237
9. Fay. Pine Forest 254
10.West Forsyth 267
11.Charlotte Myers Park 268
12.Wilmington Hoggard 281
13.Fay. South View 298
14.Asheville Reynolds 301
15.W-S Mount Tabor 303
16.W-S RJ Reynolds 328
1. Tammy Carpenter Smithfield-Selma 18:55
2. Silica Johnson Gbo Grimsley 18:56
3. Andrea Bailey Raleigh Millbrook 19:23
4. Kelly Clarke Lee County 19:53
5. Kim Herring Watauga 19:53
6. LaChandra Smith Charlotte Harding 19:58
7. Alicia Dandar Northeastern 19:59
8. Lynn Metzger Raleigh Broughton 19:59
9. Melanie Babb Apex 20:01
10.Peggy Martin East Mecklenburg 20:01
11.Laura Newman Watauga 20:07
12.Trudi Stallings Greensboro Dudley 20:12
13.Helena Lewis Lumberton 20:18
14.Jenny Musselwhite Wilm Hoggard 20:25
15.Julie Bergenser Gbo Grimsley 20:27
16.Amy Neal East Forsyth 20:30
17.Ami Herrman Char. Providence 20:36
18.Tina Pifer Gbo Grimsley 20:27
19.Holly Marquette Northern Nash 20:42
20.Millie James East Mecklenburg 20:52
21.Sherry Winn Char Independence 20:54
22.Bethan Johnson Watauga 21:01
23.Julie Cirincione Gbo Grimsley 21:03
24.Jammi Thompson Wilson Fike 21:06
25.Jenni Kalanick Gbo Grimsley 21:06
NCHSAA Girls 3-A
1. Monroe Sun Valley 26
2. Mayodan McMichael 66
3. Enka 98
4. Washington 142
5. NW Cabarrus 149
6. NE Guilford 157
7. Franklin 175
8. Greenville Conley 181
9. St. Stephens 212
10.Ashvl TC Roberson 225
11.Statesville 281
1. Suzanne Black Sun Valley 19:40
2. Mia Richardson McMichael 20:07
3. Caroline Chester Canton Pisgah 20:11
4. Jenny Coffey St. Stephens 20:14
5. Jessica Montgomery Sun Valley 20:20
6. Lisa Barrington Sun Valley 20:22
7. Emily Bernhardt Hibriten 20:23
8. Asheley Cavin Sun Valley 20:29
9. Melissa Chandler Enka 20:40
10.Laura Brewer NE Guilford 20:47
11.Elaine Wozny Washington 20:49
12.Leslie Bolas Sun Valley 20:59
13.Amy Thatcher Enka 21:00
14.Tabitha Shaffer McMichael 21:08
15.Rita Roberts TC Roberson 21:14
16.Angie Gillespie NW Cabarrus 21:16
17.Leeann Smith McMichael 21:18
18.Della Stanley McMichael 21:26
19.Wendy Lauer NE Guilford 21:29
20.Cindy Schweiker Sun Valley 21:35
21.Dawn Weherenbag Washington 21:36
22.Crystal Spears NW Cabarrus 21:44
23.Tami Wensil Concord 21:58
24.Mil Montgomery W. Henderson 22:03
25.Emily Rice McMichael 22:08
NCHSAA Girls 2-A/1-A - at McAlpine Park, Charlotte
Saturday, November 4, 1989 - 5,000 meters.
1. Lejeune 86
2. Manteo 97
3. Murphy 99
4. NC School of Science & Math 117
5. East Davidson 201
6. Mooresville 207
7. Ledford 210
8. Polk County 221
9. SW Randolph 231
10.Swannanoa Owen 260
1. Julie Barba Lejeune 19:43
2. Stephanie Mann Lejeune 20:01
3. Claudia Newman E Montgomery 20:08
4. Benita Williams Monroe 20:40
5. Wendy Trehern Swain County 20:46
6. Corea Bergensen NCSSM 20:50
7. Roz Hall Murphy 20:52
8. Pam Amos Murphy 20:54
9. Wendy Sisk SW Randolph 21:12
10.Katie Malone Polk County 21:13
11.N. Lees-Shephard Manteo 21:14
12.Panelo Robbins Manteo 21:31
13.Christie Young Ledford 21:37
14.Angie Walker E Davidson 21:44
15.Jessica Parkon Polk County 21:49
16.Barbara Heim E Davidson 21:51
17.Wendy Garris SCE 21:56
18.Angie Mayhew Mooresville 22:06
19.Alexandra Reck NCSSM 22:10
20.Amanda Powers SW Randolph 22:22
21.Kim Shankle SW Randolph 22:23
22.Naomi Creel Lejeune 22:25
23.Lisa Sitek NCSSM 22:35
24.Heather Bold Manteo 22:36
25.Marcee Vanore Albemarle 22:36
Note: Julie Barba's time was one second off the the state 2A/1A record
set the previous year by Lejeune's Erin Smyth.
NCISAA Girls - At McAlpine Park, Charlotte
date unknown - 5,000 meters.
Teams (scored top three runners)
1. Durham Academy 15
2. Forsyth Country Day 28
3. Charlotte Christian 44
4. Raleigh Cardinal Gibbons 47
5. Greensboro Day 54
6. Salem Academy 56
7. Asheville School 56
8. Charlotte Latin 62
9. Providence Day 63
10.Charlotte Country Day 84
1. Christy Hood Charlotte Latin 20:51
2. Blake Phillips For. Country Day 21:14
3. Catharine Scott Durham Academy 21:25
4. Susan Moody For. Country Day 21:37
5. Sigrid Norris Durham Academy 21:41
6. Amy Brown Asheville School 22:31
7. Kathy Sullivan Durham Academy 22:42
8. Tanya Williams Char. Christian 22:50
9. Julie Saline Providence Day 22:52
10.Meg Monday Salem Academy 23:04
11.Sia Gilman Asheville School 23:18
12.Virginia Revers Durham Academy 23:22
13.Caroline Blackman Char. Christian 23:26
14.Anna Gerhardt Bishop McGuinness 23:30
15.Maggie Eckerlin Cardinal Gibbons 23:45
16.Christie Laur Cardinal Gibbons 23:56
17.Ingela Naumann Greensboro Day 24:02
18.Amanda Taylor Greensboro Day 24:10
19.Elizabeth Yates Cardinal Gibbons 24:15
20.Margaret Scott Salem Academy 24:19.0
21.Mary Belk Char. Country Day 24:19.7
22.Kristen Powel Greensboro Day 24:24
23.Molly Clay For. Country Day 24:31
24.Erin Lyon Char. Christian 24:44
25.Shannon Peters Greensboro Day 24:47
- Thanks to Durham Academy coach Dennis Cullen for providing NCISAA results.
The Harrier's Final 1989 National Rankings: | |
BOYS: 1. Camarillo HS, Camarillo, CA 2. York HS, Elmhurst, IL 3. Mead HS, Spokane, WA 4. West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA 5. De La Salle HS, Concord, CA 6. Bend HS, Bend, OR 7. Timpview HS, Timpview, UT 8. Stagg HS, Palos Hills, IL 9. Pope Paul VI HS, Haddonfield, NJ 10. Agoura HS, Calabasas, CA 11. Ben Lomand HS, Ogden, UT 12. Gallup HS, Gallup, NM 13. Fort Collins HS, Fort Collins, CO 14. Council Rock HS, Newtown, PA 15. Davis HS, Indianapolis, IN 16. St. James HS, Chester, PA 17. Mount Tabor HS, Winston-Salem, NC 18. Leto HS, Tampa, FL 19. Cicero-No. Syracuse HS, Cicero, NY 20. Westminster HS, Atlanta, GA 21. Elder HS, Cincinnati, OH 22. Carmel HS, Carmel, IN 23. Dennis-Yarmouth HS, So. Yarmouth, MA 24. Catholic HS, Baton Rouge, LA 25. Case HS, Racine,WI |
GIRLS: 1. Mountain View HS, Orem, UT 2. Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 3. Brookwood HS, Snellville, GA 4. Agoura HS, Calabasas, CA 5. Mead HS, Spokane, WA 6. West Potomac HS, Alexandria, VA 7. Lake Braddock HS, Burke, VA 8. Northeast HS, Philadelphia, PA 9. Fort Collins HS, Fort Collins, CO 10. Chambersburg HS, Chambersburg, PA 11. Sunset HS, Beaverton, OR 12. Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE 13. Saratoga Springs HS, Saratoga Springs, NY 14. Floyd Central HS, Floyds Knobs, IN 15. Spring Valley HS, Columbia, SC 16. Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO 17. Sun Valley HS, Monroe, NC 18. Sahuaro HS, Tucson, AZ 19. Westminster HS, Atlanta, GA 20. St. Henry HS, Erlanger, KY 21. Lynnwood HS, Lynnwood, WA 22. Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR 23. Mt. Carmel HS, San Diego, CA 24. Bend HS, Bend, OR 25. Winona HS, Winona, MN |
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